글번호 27
게시자 manager
조회수 594
◀ 이전글 잔혹한 천사의 테제
새로운글 ▶ 전쟁 전, 일본 칼러영상자료 
제목 기혼여성 성씨 문제: 남편 성? 처녀 때 성?

Kotaro Usui and Mari Inoue have decided not to get married until the surname law is changed
Mari Inoue is a 34-year-old IT professor in Tokyo. She got engaged to her boyfriend Kotaro Usui three years ago. A wedding, they say, is out of the question.

It’s not the pandemic that is preventing them, but an archaic Japanese law that requires married couples to adopt the same surname.

Theoretically either partner could give up their family name. In practice it is almost always the woman who loses hers: one study found it’s them who change it 96% of the time.

"I find this very unfair," said Ms Inoue. "We should have the choice (to retain both)."

Her fiancé agrees. He considered becoming an Inoue but some relatives were unhappy. "I don’t want to make any family sad," said Mr Usui. "We would like to be able to choose whether to change or keep one’s name."

Japan is among only a few advanced economies to stop couples holding separate surnames after marriage - through a law that explicitly discriminates against women, according to a UN committee.

Six years ago two high-profile lawsuits aimed at changing the rules failed. But the movement for reform - joined by Ms Inoue and Mr Usui - has only grown.

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